Georg Engelhardt
Light-matter interaction and quantum sensing

About me


  • Name: Georg Engelhardt
  • Affilation: Shenzhen Instiute for Quantum Science and Engineering
  • Position: Associate Researcher
  • Experise: Quantum optics, codensed matter physics, quantum control
  • Research directions: Floquet theory, Polaritons, Spectroscopy, Quantum sensing
  • Languages: German (native), English (native-like), Chinese (fluent)
  • Programming: Python, C, C++, Mathematica, HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Others: ResearchGate , Google Scholar


  • 2021-now:Associate Researcher, Shenzhen Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering (SUSTech)
  • 2017-2021: Postdoc, Beijing Computational Science Research Center
  • 2017: PhD, TU Berlin, Supervisor: Tobias Brandes
  • 2013: Master of Science, TU Berlin, Supervisor: Tobias Brandes
  • 2012: Bachelor of Science, TU Berlin, Supervisor: Tobias Brandes

Motivation and achievements

My research investigates principles of light-matter interaction in the quantum optical and semiclassical regimes. In this context, I develope protocols for quantum control and quantum sensing. Besides others, my research has contributed to the understanding of the exciton-polariton dynamics and the quantum control of Floquet systems.

Research highlights

Polariton Localization and Dispersion Properties of Disordered Quantum Emitters in Multimode Microcavities

Georg Engelhardt and Jianshu Cao

Experiments have demonstrated that the strong light-matter coupling in polaritonic microcavities significantly enhances transport. Motivated by these experiments, we have solved the disordered multimode Tavis-Cummings model in the thermodynamic limit and used this solution to analyze its dispersion and localization properties. The solution implies that wave-vector-resolved spectroscopic quantities can be described by single-mode models, but spatially resolved quantities require the multimode solution. Nondiagonal elements of the Green’s function decay exponentially with distance, which defines the coherence length. The coherent length is strongly correlated with the photon weight and exhibits inverse scaling with respect to the Rabi frequency and an unusual dependence on disorder. For energies away from the average molecular energy and above the confinement energy, the coherence length rapidly diverges such that it exceeds the photon resonance wavelength λ. The rapid divergence allows us to differentiate the localized and delocalized regimes and identify the transition from diffusive to ballistic transport.

Unusual dynamical properties of disordered polaritons in microcavities

Georg Engelhardt and Jianshu Cao

The collective light-matter interaction in microcavities gives rise to the intriguing phenomena of cavity-mediated transport that can potentially overcome the Anderson localization. Yet, an accurate theoretical treatment is challenging as the matter (e.g., molecules) is subject to large energetic disorder. In this paper, we develop the Green’s function solution to the Fano-Anderson model and use the exact analytical solution to quantify the effects of energetic disorder on the spectral and dynamical properties in microcavities. Starting from the microscopic equations of motion, we derive an effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and predict a set of scaling laws: (i) The complex eigenenergies of the effective Hamiltonian exhibit an exceptional point, which leads to underdamped coherent dynamics in the weak disorder regime, where the decay rate increases with disorder, and overdamped incoherent dynamics in the strong disorder regime, where the slow decay rate decreases with disorder. (ii) The total density of states of disordered ensembles can be exactly partitioned into the cavity, bright-state, and dark-state local density of states, which are determined by the complex eigensolutions and can be measured via spectroscopy. (iii) The cavity-mediated relaxation and transport dynamics are intimately related such that both the energy-resolved relaxation and transport rates are proportional to the cavity local density of states. The ratio of the disorder-averaged relaxation and transport rates equals the molecule number, which can be interpreted as a result of a quantum random walk. (iv) A turnover in the rates as a function of disorder or molecule density can be explained in terms of the overlap of the disorder distribution function and the cavity local density of states. These findings reveal the significant impact of the dark states on the local density of states and consequently their crucial role in optimizing spectroscopic and transport properties of disordered ensembles in cavities.

Dynamical Symmetries and Symmetry-Protected Selection Rules in Periodically Driven Quantum Systems

Georg Engelhardt and Jianshu Cao

In recent experiments, the light-matter interaction has reached the ultrastrong coupling limit, which can give rise to dynamical generalizations of spatial symmetries in periodically-driven systems. Here, we present a unified framework of dynamical-symmetry-protected selection rules based on Floquet response theory. Within this framework, we study rotational, parity, particle-hole, chiral, and time-reversal symmetries and the resulting selection rules in spectroscopy, including symmetry-protected dark states (spDS), symmetry-protected dark bands, and symmetry-induced transparency. Specifically, dynamical rotational and parity symmetries establish spDS and symmetry-protected dark band conditions. A particle-hole symmetry introduces spDSs for symmetry-related Floquet states and also a symmetry-induced transparency at quasienergy crossings. Chiral symmetry and time-reversal symmetry alone do not imply spDS conditions but can be combined to define a particle-hole symmetry. These symmetry conditions arise from destructive interference due to the synchronization of symmetric quantum systems with the periodic driving. Our predictions reveal new physical phenomena when a quantum system reaches the strong lightmatter coupling regime, which is important for superconducting qubits, atoms and molecules in optical or plasmonic field cavities, and optomechanical systems.



  1. Photon-resolved Floquet theory in open quantum systems

Peer reviewed

  1. Detecting axion dark matter with Rydberg atoms via induced electric dipole transitions
  2. Anomalous conditional counting statistics in an electron-spin-resonance quantum dot measured by a quantum point contact
  3. Unified Light-Matter Floquet Theory and its Application to Quantum Communication
  4. Polariton Localization and Dispersion Properties of Disordered Quantum Emitters in Multimode Microcavities
  5. Noise suppression of transport through double quantum dots by feedback control
  6. Unusual dynamical properties of disordered polaritons in microcavities
  7. Dynamical Symmetries and Symmetry-Protected Selection Rules in Periodically Driven Quantum Systems
  8. Classical View of Quantum Time Crystals
  9. Discontinuities in driven spin-boson systems due to coherent destruction of tunneling: breakdown of the Floquet-Gibbs distribution
  10. Tuning the Aharonov-Bohm effect with dephasing in nonequilibrium transport
  11. Thermodynamic performance of topological boundary modes
  12. Maxwell's demon in the quantum-Zeno regime and beyond
  13. Electronic Maxwell demon in the coherent strong-coupling regime
  14. Random-walk topological transition revealed via electron counting
  15. Topologically enforced bifurcations in superconducting circuits
  16. Topological instabilities in ac-driven bosonic systems
  17. Semiclassical bifurcations and topological phase transitions in a one-dimensional lattice of coupled Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models
  18. Bosonic Josephson effect in the Fano-Anderson model
  19. Topological Bogoliubov excitations in inversion-symmetric systems of interacting bosons
  20. Excited-state quantum phase transitions and periodic dynamics
  21. Critical quasienergy states in driven many-body systems
  22. ac-driven quantum phase transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model